Computer Science Conference Fun Facts
See some fun visualizations of top-tier CS conferences.
Created and maintained by Xovee Xu.
Note: The states are based on the long/research papers.
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Yearly Submitted and Accepted Papers for All
Researchers are crazy recently!!!
The Most Frequent Countries/Regions
Discover which countries and regions love hosting conferences the most! Wow, its USA.
The Most Frequent Cities
Which cities are the ultimate conference hotspots?
The Most Picky Conferences
These conferences are the crème de la crème with the toughest acceptance rates over years!
The Most Generous Conferences
Find out which conferences are the most welcoming with the highest acceptance rates over years!
The Largest Conferences in History
Check out the conferences with the biggest turnout of accepted papers!
The Smallest Conferences (Yearly)
The conferences that have the smallest yearly accepted long papers on average.